30,210 research outputs found

    Extreme UV QSOs

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    We present a sample of spectroscopically confirmed QSOs with FUV-NUV color (as measured by GALEX photometry) bluer than canonical QSO templates and than the majority of known QSOs. We analyze their FUV to NIR colors, luminosities and optical spectra. The sample includes a group of 150 objects at low redshift (z << 0.5), and a group of 21 objects with redshift 1.7<<z<<2.6. For the low redshift objects, the "blue" FUV-NUV color may be caused by enhanced Lyα\alpha emission, since Lyα\alpha transits the GALEX FUV band from z=0.1 to z=0.47. Synthetic QSO templates constructed with Lyα\alpha up to 3 times stronger than in standard templates match the observed UV colors of our low redshift sample. The Hα\alpha emission increases, and the optical spectra become bluer, with increasing absolute UV luminosity. The UV-blue QSOs at redshift about 2, where the GALEX bands sample restframe about 450-590A (FUV) and about 590-940A(NUV), are fainter than the average of UV-normal QSOs at similar redshift in NUV, while they have comparable luminosities in other bands. Therefore we speculate that their observed FUV-NUV color may be explained by a combination of steep flux rise towards short wavelengths and dust absorption below the Lyman limit, such as from small grains or crystalline carbon. The ratio of Lyα\alpha to CIV could be measured in 10 objects; it is higher (30% on average) than for UV-normal QSOs, and close to the value expected for shock or collisional ionization. FULL VERSION AVAILABLE FROM AUTHOR'S WEB SITE: http://dolomiti.pha.jhu.edu/papers/2009_AJ_Extreme_UV_QSOs.pdfComment: Astronomical Journal, in pres

    Unoriented D-brane instantons

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    We give a pedagogical introduction to D-brane instanton effects in vacuum configurations with open and unoriented strings. We focus on quiver gauge theories for unoriented D-branes at orbifold singularities and describe in some detail the Z_3 case, where both `gauge' and `exotic' instantons can generate non-perturbative super potentials, and the Z_5 case, where supersymmetry breaking may arise from the combined effect of `gauge' instantons and a FI D-term.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure. Proceedings of the "XVII European Workshop on String Theory 2011", Padova, Italy, 5-9 September 201

    The broad-band X-ray spectrum of the Seyfert 1 galaxy, MCG+8-11-11

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    We present a long (100 ks) Suzaku observation of one of the X-ray brightest AGN, MCG+8-11-11. These data were complemented with the 54-month Swift BAT spectrum, allowing us to perform a broad-band fit in the 0.6-150 keV range. The fits performed in the 0.6-10 keV band give consistent results with respect to a previous XMM-Newton observation, i.e. the lack of a soft excess, warm absorption along the line of sight, a large Compton reflection component (R~1) and the absence of a relativistic component of the neutral iron Kα\alpha emission line. However, when the PIN and Swift BAT data are included, the reflection amount drops significantly (R~0.2-0.3), and a relativistic iron line is required, the latter confirmed by a phenomenological analysis in a restricted energy band (3-10 keV). When a self-consistent model is applied to the whole broadband data, the observed reflection component appears to be all associated to the relativistic component of the iron Kα\alpha line. The resulting scenario, though strongly model-dependent, requires that all the reprocessing spectral components from Compton-thick material must be associated to the accretion disc, and no evidence for the classical pc-scale torus is found. The narrow core of the neutral iron Kα\alpha line is therefore produced in a Compton-thin material, like the BLR, similarly to what found in another Seyfert galaxy, NGC7213, but with the notable difference that MCG+8-11-11 presents spectral signatures from an accretion disc. The very low accretion rate of NGC7213 could explain the lack of relativistic signatures in its spectrum, but the absence of the torus in both sources is more difficult to explain, since their luminosities are comparable, and their accretion rates are completely different.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Massive higher spins and holography

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    We review recent progress towards the understanding of higher spin gauge symmetry breaking in AdS space from a holographic vantage point. According to the AdS/CFT correspondence, N=4 SYM theory at vanishing coupling constant should be dual to a theory in AdS which exhibits higher spin gauge symmetry enhancement. When the SYM coupling is non-zero, all but a handful of HS currents are violated by anomalies, and correspondingly local higher spin symmetry in the bulk gets spontaneously broken. In agreement with previous results and holographic expectations, we find that, barring one notable exception (spin 1 eating spin 0), the Goldstone modes responsible for HS symmetry breaking in AdS have non-vanishing mass even in the limit in which the gauge symmetry is restored. We show that spontaneous breaking a' la Stueckelberg implies that the mass of the relevant spin s'=s-1 Goldstone field is exactly the one predicted by the correspondence.Comment: 8 pages, talk presented by M.B. at the "Fourth Meeting on Constrained Dynamics and Quantum gravity" held in Cala Gonone (Sardinia, Italy), September 12-16, 200

    The EPRL intertwiners and corrected partition function

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    Do the SU(2) intertwiners parametrize the space of the EPRL solutions to the simplicity constraint? What is a complete form of the partition function written in terms of this parametrization? We prove that the EPRL map is injective for n-valent vertex in case when it is a map from SO(3) into SO(3)xSO(3) representations. We find, however, that the EPRL map is not isometric. In the consequence, in order to be written in a SU(2) amplitude form, the formula for the partition function has to be rederived. We do it and obtain a new, complete formula for the partition function. The result goes beyond the SU(2) spin-foam models framework.Comment: RevTex4, 15 pages, 5 figures; theorem of injectivity of EPRL map correcte

    SL(2,Z) Multiplets in N=4 SYM Theory

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    We discuss the action of SL(2,Z) on local operators in D=4, N=4 SYM theory in the superconformal phase. The modular property of the operator's scaling dimension determines whether the operator transforms as a singlet, or covariantly, as part of a finite or infinite dimensional multiplet under the SL(2,Z) action. As an example, we argue that operators in the Konishi multiplet transform as part of a (p,q) PSL(2,Z) multiplet. We also comment on the non-perturbative local operators dual to the Konishi multiplet.Comment: 14 pages, harvmac; v2: published version with minor change

    String amplitudes in the Hpp-wave limit of AdS3xS3

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    We compute string amplitudes on pp-waves supported by NS-NS 3-form fluxes and arising in the Penrose limit of AdS3xS3xM. We clarify the role of the non-chiral accidental SU(2) symmetry of the background. We comment on the extension of our results to the superstring and propose a holographic formula in the BMN limit of the AdS3/CFT2 correspondence valid for any correlator.Comment: Latex,no figures, 47 p

    Asymptotics of LQG fusion coefficients

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    The fusion coefficients from SO(3) to SO(4) play a key role in the definition of spin foam models for the dynamics in Loop Quantum Gravity. In this paper we give a simple analytic formula of the EPRL fusion coefficients. We study the large spin asymptotics and show that they map SO(3) semiclassical intertwiners into SU(2)LĂ—SU(2)RSU(2)_L\times SU(2)_R semiclassical intertwiners. This non-trivial property opens the possibility for an analysis of the semiclassical behavior of the model.Comment: 14 pages, minor change

    Simple model for quantum general relativity from loop quantum gravity

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    New progress in loop gravity has lead to a simple model of `general-covariant quantum field theory'. I sum up the definition of the model in self-contained form, in terms accessible to those outside the subfield. I emphasize its formulation as a generalized topological quantum field theory with an infinite number of degrees of freedom, and its relation to lattice theory. I list the indications supporting the conjecture that the model is related to general relativity and UV finite.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure
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